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Cellina River Stories between Ravedis and Partidor

3 - Bridges

Two bridges, two structures, two materials, two kinds of traffic, two dates of construction for a unique purpose: connecting two shores.



RAILWAY BRIDGE of the Sacile-Gemona line

The railway bridge over the Cellina river is one of the 55 works, which include bridges and underpasses, of the former railway line Sacile-Gemona. The bridge is held up by 11 huge and remarkable round arches with a stone base. It was inaugurated in the early 1920s and endured the Second World War bombings. In December 2017, the railway line has been reopened for passenger transport until the Maniago railway station, after a landslide had interrupted the line in July 2012. The railway line was opened for the first time in 1930. Initially it was supposed to have also military purposes, but it has never been used that way. Instead, it had a significant social and economic role: it became a means of transportation for the many Friulian emigrants, especially seasonal workers, who were selling local products. Then, it was more recently used by workers and students for daily commute.

C. Bortotto, La ferrovia pedemontana del Friuli, a cura di Aldo Colonnello, s.l., s.n., 1993, Rassegna tecnica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, n. 66/1998, a. XXXIX. Anche edito in Il Noncello, 46/1978.
La porta della Valcellina. Montereale Valcellina, Grizzo, Malnisio, San Leonardo Valcellina, appunti di viaggio, a cura di Patrizio De Mattio, Montereale Valcellina, Comune di Montereale Valcellina, 2003.
R. Vecchiet, La ferrovia pedemontana Gemona-Sacile tra storia e sviluppo turistico, in Ferrovie e treni storici nel Friuli Venezia Giulia. Opportunità di sviluppo turistico transfrontaliero, Monfalcone, Centro Studi Turistici Giorgio Valussi di Gorizia, Edizioni della laguna, c2004.
R. Vecchiet, Il primo treno di Udine, 1836-1866. Una rassegna di fonti e documenti, Udine, Comune di Udine & Biblioteca civica “V. Joppi”, 2015.
R. Vecchiet, Treni d'archivio. Capitoli di storia delle ferrovie in Friuli, Udine, Forum, 2014.



The slender reinforced concrete bridge is a little more than 1 kilometre long and it stands out for more than 50 meters against the white gravels of the Cellina river. The bridge was inaugurated in April 2003 and stands between the Ravedis and Giulio bridges, thus changing the main road network between the Maniago and Pordenone areas.
La porta della Valcellina. Montereale Valcellina, Grizzo, Malnisio, San Leonardo Valcellina, appunti di viaggio, a cura di Patrizio De Mattio, Montereale Valcellina, Comune di Montereale Valcellina, 2003.



Near one of the arches of the new Giulio Bridge and deep into the shore, one of the service spillways of the artificial Ravedis Lake has created an outstanding long narrow and colourful naturalistic strip which contrasts with the white gravel.


The four buildings alongside the railway embankment are connected to the two small underground tunnels containing the pressure pipes of the Montereale Hydroelectric Power Plant, called “Giulio Bridge” Power Plant. Their purpose is to drain the possible and dangerous leaking of the pipes, thus avoiding the embankment to be washed away. If that was to happen, the rails and the sleepers would not have a solid support anymore.


This slab is what is left of the construction site used to dig the underpass under the railway embankment and to bring the pressure pipes from the artificial Ravedis Lake to the Giulio Bridge Power Plant.
