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An ecomuseum is
a participatory process created to magnify, maintain and manage local cultural heritage. With an eye to growth, the ecomuseum concept focuses on the active participation of the local population and the work of institutions and associations, and aims to develop projects to protect the heritage and promote the social, environmental and economic advancement of a local area and its community.

Lis Aganis Ecomuseo delle Dolomiti Friulane APS was created in August 2004 in the Prealps and the foothills of the Province of Pordenone, Italy, as part of the Leader + Community Initiative. Ecomuseo Lis Aganis counts more than 40 members (municipal authorities, schools, the public board of the mountain basin of the Livenza river, consortia of local promotion groups and cultural associations) and about 30 Thematic Cells grouped around three Ecomuseum Itineraries: Water, Stones and Crafts.